android - MediaRecorder throws exception illegalstateexception

Je suis en train de développer un simple android enregistreur audio.Tout s'appuie fine et il fonctionne aussi bien sur l'appareil android. Il me semble que je peut lancer l'enregistrement, mais quand je veux l'arrêter, déclenche une exception IllegalStateException. Je ne trouve pas l'erreur. Voici le code:

public class VoiceRecorder {
MediaRecorder recorder= new MediaRecorder();
static Context cont;

public void startRecord(Context context) throws IllegalStateException, IOException{
    cont = context;


public void stopRecording(Context context) {
    cont = context;
    File file = new File (cont.getFilesDir()+"/recordings.3gp");
    UploadFile.uploadFile("recordings.3gp", file);
    recorder = null;

Je veux le lancer avec:

VoiceRecorder vr = new VoiceRecorder();



lors de l'appel de commencer Logcat dit: (ce qui devrait être ok)

09-06 22:56:42.830: D/AudioHardwareMSM72XX(123): audpre_index = 0, tx_iir_index = 0
09-06 22:56:42.840: D/HTC Acoustic(123): msm72xx_enable_audpre: 0x0000
09-06 22:56:42.850: I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX(123): Routing audio to Speakerphone
09-06 22:56:42.850: D/HTC Acoustic(123): msm72xx_enable_audpp: 0x0001
09-06 22:56:42.850: I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX(123): Routing audio to Speakerphone
09-06 22:56:42.860: D/HTC Acoustic(123): msm72xx_enable_audpp: 0x0001
09-06 22:56:42.870: D/AudioFlinger(123): setParameters(): io 3, keyvalue routing=262144;vr_mode=0, tid 156, calling tid 123
09-06 22:56:42.870: I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX(123): Routing audio to Speakerphone
09-06 22:56:42.880: D/AudioHardwareMSM72XX(123): audpre_index = 0, tx_iir_index = 0
09-06 22:56:42.880: D/HTC Acoustic(123): msm72xx_enable_audpre: 0x0000
09-06 22:56:42.880: I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX(123): do input routing device 40000
09-06 22:56:42.880: I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX(123): Routing audio to Speakerphone
09-06 22:56:42.890: D/HTC Acoustic(123): msm72xx_enable_audpp: 0x0001

Mais quand je l'appelle stop:

09-06 22:59:52.440: E/MediaRecorder(1069): stop called in an invalid state: 1
09-06 22:59:52.440: W/System.err(1069): java.lang.IllegalStateException
09-06 22:59:52.460: W/System.err(1069):     at Method)
09-06 22:59:52.460: W/System.err(1069):     at de.spyapp.VoiceRecorder.stopRecording(
09-06 22:59:52.460: W/System.err(1069):     at de.spyapp.CheckCMD.checkCMD(
09-06 22:59:52.460: W/System.err(1069):     at de.spyapp.AppActivity$
09-06 22:59:52.460: W/System.err(1069):     at

OriginalL'auteur Dominik Trenz | 2012-09-06