BaseAdapter.notifyDatasetChanged () ne met pas à jour ListView

pourquoi mon listview pas à jour quand je l'appelle notifyDatasetChanged() ?
la seule façon que je peux le faire afficher les données sont, à l'appel setAdatper() dans la liste de nouveau... j'ai aussi essayé de l'appeler via runOnUIThread() qui n'a pas changer quoi que ce soit


* Adapter to provide the data for the online scores
* @author soh#zolex
public class OnlineScoresAdapter extends BaseAdapter {
private Context context;
private List<ScoreItem> scores = new ArrayList<ScoreItem>();
* Constructor
* @param Context context
public OnlineScoresAdapter(Context context) {
this.context = context;
* Add an item to the adapter
* @param item
public void addItem(ScoreItem item) {
* Get the number of scores
* @return int
public int getCount() {
return this.scores.size();
* Get a score item
* @param int pos
* @return Object
public Object getItem(int pos) {
return this.scores.get(pos);
* Get the id of a score
* @param in pos
* @retrn long
public long getItemId(int pos) {
return 0;
* Get the type of an item view
* @param int pos
* @return int
public int getItemViewType(int arg0) {
return arg0;
* Create the view for a single list item.
* Load it from an xml layout.
* @param int pos
* @param View view
* @param ViewGroup viewGroup
* @return View
public View getView(int pos, View view, ViewGroup group) {
LinearLayout layout;
if (view == null) {
layout = (LinearLayout)View.inflate(this.context, R.layout.scoreitem, null);
} else {
layout = (LinearLayout)view;
TextView position = (TextView)layout.findViewById(;
TextView time = (TextView)layout.findViewById(;
TextView player = (TextView)layout.findViewById(;
TextView createdAt = (TextView)layout.findViewById(;
ScoreItem item = (ScoreItem)getItem(pos);
position.setText(String.valueOf(new Integer(item.position)) + ".");
time.setText(String.format("%.4f", item.time));
return layout;
* Get the number of different views
* @return int
public int getViewTypeCount() {
return 1;
* Return wheather the items have stable IDs or not
* @return boolean
public boolean hasStableIds() {
return false;
* Return wheather the list is empty or not
* @return boolean
public boolean isEmpty() {
return this.scores.size() == 0;
* No need of a data observer
* @param DataSetObserver arg0
* @return void
public void registerDataSetObserver(DataSetObserver arg0) {
* No need of a data observer
* @param DataSetObserver arg0
* @return void
public void unregisterDataSetObserver(DataSetObserver arg0) {
* No item should be selectable
* @return boolean
public boolean areAllItemsEnabled() {
return false;
* No item should be selectable
* @param int pos
* @return boolean
public boolean isEnabled(int arg0) {
return false;


La XMLLoaderThread fonctionne très bien, c'est juste notifyDatasetChanged semble ne rien faire...

* Obtain and display the online scores
* @author soh#zolex
public class OnlineScoresDetails extends ListActivity {
WakeLock wakeLock;
OnlineScoresAdapter adapter;
boolean isLoading = false;
int chunkLimit = 50;
int chunkOffset = 0;
* Load the scores and initialize the pager and adapter
* @param Bundle savedInstanceState
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
PowerManager powerManager = (PowerManager) getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE);
this.wakeLock = powerManager.newWakeLock(PowerManager.FULL_WAKE_LOCK, "racesow");
adapter = new OnlineScoresAdapter(this);
getListView().setOnScrollListener(new OnScrollListener() {
public void onScrollStateChanged(AbsListView view, int scrollState) {
public void onScroll(AbsListView view, int firstVisibleItem, int visibleItemCount, int totalItemCount) {
if (totalItemCount > 0 && visibleItemCount > 0 && firstVisibleItem + visibleItemCount >= totalItemCount) {
if (!isLoading) {
public void loadData() {
final ProgressDialog pd = new ProgressDialog(OnlineScoresDetails.this);
pd.setMessage("Obtaining scores...");
isLoading = true;
String mapName = getIntent().getStringExtra("map");
XMLLoaderThread t = new XMLLoaderThread("" + mapName + "&offset=" + this.chunkOffset + "&limit=" + this.chunkLimit, new Handler() {
public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
switch (msg.what) {
//network error
case 0:
new AlertDialog.Builder(OnlineScoresDetails.this)
.setMessage("Could not obtain the maplist.\nCheck your network connection and try again.")
.setNeutralButton("OK", new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(DialogInterface arg0, int arg1) {
overridePendingTransition(0, 0);
//maplist received
case 1:
InputStream xmlStream;
try {
xmlStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(msg.getData().getString("xml").getBytes("UTF-8"));
XMLParser parser = new XMLParser();;
NodeList positions = parser.doc.getElementsByTagName("position");
int numPositions = positions.getLength();
for (int i = 0; i < numPositions; i++) {
Element position = (Element)positions.item(i);
ScoreItem score = new ScoreItem();
score.position = Integer.parseInt(parser.getValue(position, "no"));
score.player = parser.getValue(position, "player");
score.time = Float.parseFloat(parser.getValue(position, "time"));
score.created_at = parser.getValue(position, "created_at");
chunkOffset += chunkLimit;
isLoading = false;
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
new AlertDialog.Builder(OnlineScoresDetails.this)
.setMessage("Internal error: " + e.getMessage())
.setNeutralButton("OK", null)
* Acquire the wakelock on resume
public void onResume() {
* Release the wakelock when leaving the activity
public void onDestroy() {
* Disable animations when leaving the activity
public void onBackPressed() {
this.overridePendingTransition(0, 0);

source d'informationauteur Andreas Linden