Comment arrêter mnp servir

J'ai Réagir Apps:

npm run build

et installée à l'échelle mondiale servir package:

npm install -g serve

et de l'exécuter:

serve -s build

Comment puis-je l'arrêter?

J'ai essayé serve help mais il ne montre pas tout arrêter option


-a, --auth      Serve behind basic auth
-c, --cache     Time in milliseconds for caching files in the browser
-n, --clipless  Don't copy address to clipboard (disabled by default)
-C, --cors      Setup * CORS headers to allow requests from any origin (disabled by default)
-h, --help      Output usage information
-i, --ignore    Files and directories to ignore
-o, --open      Open local address in browser (disabled by default)
-p, --port <n>  Port to listen on (defaults to 5000)
-S, --silent    Don't log anything to the console
-s, --single    Serve single page applications (sets `-c` to 1 day)
-u, --unzipped  Disable GZIP compression
-v, --version   Output the version number
InformationsquelleAutor JMS786 | 2017-07-27