Comment créer par programmation une connexion A2DP ou comment émuler un téléphone Android à un A2DP évier?

J'ai deux téléphones android (Galaxy Tab de Samsung et HTC Desire). Les deux 2.2. La Galaxy Tab devrait être une A2DP évier et le Désir de la source. Mon but est d'acheminer le son de la Volonté de la Galaxie. Je viens de voir dans l'API, il est possible d'établir une connexion RFCOMM. Mais je veux établir une connexion A2DP. Mes exigences à la solution, c'est qu'aucun des téléphones devraient être enracinée.

J'ai trouvé dans le code source de la Bluetooth UUID classe. Et j'ai essayé d'ouvrir une Connexion A2DP avec l'Uuid.

C'est le code de la partie serveur:

private class AcceptThread extends Thread {
  public AcceptThread() {
       try {
       BluetoothServerSocket mmServerSocket = btAdapter.listenUsingRfcommWithServiceRecord("Audio Sink", UUID.fromString("0000110B-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB")); //UUID of Audio sink
       mmServerSocket = btAdapter.listenUsingRfcommWithServiceRecord(
    "AVCRP Controller", UUID.fromString("0000110E-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB")); //UUID of AVCRP Controller                

    } catch (IOException e) {

   public void run() {
//Keep listening until exception occurs or a socket is returned
while (true) {
try {
         socket = mmServerSocket.accept();

} catch (IOException e) {
//If a connection was accepted
if (socket != null) {
    try {
} catch (IOException e) {

Code côté client:

Method m = device.getClass().getMethod("createRfcommSocket", new Class[] { int.class });
tmp = (BluetoothSocket) m.invoke(device, Integer.valueOf(1));

Je pourrais appairer les deux appareils et pourrait créer une connexion. Si je vais dans les paramètres bluetooth du Désir et de la pression longue sur la Galaxy Tab, j'ai le menu OPTIONS. Je peux voir le profil de média. Alors si essayé de vérifier la boîte de connexion pour connecter l'appareil avec les profils sélectionnés-je obtenir des journaux suivants:

04-11 17:21:18.994: DEBUG/DTUN_HCID4(1233):         dtun_client_get_remote_services()
04-11 17:21:18.994: INFO/DTUN_HCID4(1233): dtun_client_get_remote_services: Get remote services on 
04-11 17:21:18.994: INFO/DTUN_CLNT(1233):     Client calling DTUN_METHOD_DM_GET_REMOTE_SERVICES (id 5)
04-11 17:21:18.994: INFO/(1220): DTUN_ReceiveCtrlMsg: [DTUN] Received message [BTLIF_DTUN_METHOD_CALL] 4354
04-11 17:21:18.994: INFO/(1220): handle_method_call: handle_method_call :: received DTUN_METHOD_DM_GET_REMOTE_SERVICES (id 5), len 6
04-11 17:21:18.994: ERROR/BTLD(1220): ****************search UUID = 1108***********
04-11 17:21:18.994: WARN/BTLD(1220): ccb timer ticks: 0
04-11 17:21:19.005: INFO//system/bin/btld(1219):         btapp_dm_GetRemoteServices()
04-11 17:21:19.005: INFO//system/bin/btld(1219): ##### USerial_Ioctl: BT_Wake, 0x8003 ####
04-11 17:21:19.125: WARN/BTLD(1220): process_service_search_attr_rsp
04-11 17:21:19.144: WARN/BTLD(1220): ccb timer ticks: 0
04-11 17:21:19.155: ERROR/BTLD(1220): ****************search UUID = 111e***********
04-11 17:21:19.155: WARN/BTLD(1220): ccb timer ticks: 0
04-11 17:21:19.287: WARN/BTLD(1220): process_service_search_attr_rsp
04-11 17:21:19.287: WARN/BTLD(1220): ccb timer ticks: 0
04-11 17:21:19.336: ERROR/BTLD(1220): ****************search UUID = 110b***********
04-11 17:21:19.336: WARN/BTLD(1220): ccb timer ticks: 0
04-11 17:21:19.474: WARN/BTLD(1220): process_service_search_attr_rsp
04-11 17:21:19.474: WARN/BTLD(1220): ccb timer ticks: 0
04-11 17:21:19.534: INFO/BTL-IFS(1220): send_ctrl_msg: [BTL_IFS CTRL] send BTLIF_DTUN_SIGNAL_EVT (CTRL) 14 pbytes (hdl 15)
04-11 17:21:19.534: INFO/DTUN_HCID4(1233): dtun_dm_sig_rmt_services: success=1, service=00040040
04-11 17:21:19.534: DEBUG/DTUN_HCID4(1233): Adding UUID 0000111E-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB
04-11 17:21:19.534: DEBUG/DEVICE(1233): Just add the profiles for /org/bluez/1233/hci0/dev_xx_xx_xx_xx_xx_xx
04-11 17:21:19.534: INFO/DTUN_HCID4(1233): Adding uuid 0000111E-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB
04-11 17:21:19.534: DEBUG/DTUN_HCID4(1233): Adding UUID 0000110B-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB
04-11 17:21:19.534: DEBUG/DEVICE(1233): Just add the profiles for /org/bluez/1233/hci0/dev_xx_xx_xx_x_xx_xx
04-11 17:21:19.534: INFO/DTUN_HCID4(1233): Adding uuid 0000110B-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB
04-11 17:21:19.534: INFO/DTUN_HCID4(1233): Calling sink_init
04-11 17:21:19.534: DEBUG/ADAPTER(1233): adapter_get_device(Xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx)
04-11 17:21:19.534: DEBUG/DEVICE(1233): btd_device_ref(0xfa10): ref=2
04-11 17:21:19.534: INFO/DTUN_HCID4(1233): sink_init
04-11 17:21:19.534: DEBUG/DTUN_HCID4(1233): Registered interface org.bluez.AudioSink on path /org/bluez/1233/hci0/dev_xx_xx_xx_xx_xx_xx
04-11 17:21:19.544: ERROR/BluetoothEventLoop.cpp(96): event_filter: Received signal org.bluez.Device:PropertyChanged from /org/bluez/1233/hci0/dev_xx_xx_xx_xx_xx_xx
04-11 17:21:19.544: DEBUG/BluetoothService(96): updateDeviceServiceChannelCache(xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx)
04-11 17:21:19.554: INFO/DEVICE(1233): pattern = 0000111e-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb, id = 4
04-11 17:21:19.564: DEBUG/BluetoothService(96):     uuid(system): 0000111e-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb 4382
04-11 17:21:19.574: VERBOSE/BluetoothEventRedirector(492): Received android.bleutooth.device.action.UUID
04-11 17:21:19.700: WARN/BTLD(1220): ccb timer ticks: 0
04-11 17:21:20.615: INFO//system/bin/btld(1219): ##### USerial_Ioctl: BT_Sleep, 0x8004 ####
04-11 17:21:24.634: DEBUG/dalvikvm(594): GC_EXPLICIT freed 46 objects / 2320 bytes in 50ms
04-11 17:21:24.675: INFO/System.out(1336): public android.bluetooth.BluetoothA2dp(android.content.Context)
04-11 17:21:24.684: DEBUG/BluetoothA2dpService(96): connectSink(xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx)
04-11 17:21:24.684: INFO/BluetoothA2dpService(96): checkSinkSuspendState() : state = 1 prevState = 0
04-11 17:21:24.684: INFO/BluetoothA2dpService(96): checkSinkSuspendState() : mTargetA2dpState = -1
04-11 17:21:24.684: INFO/BluetoothA2dpService(96): checkSinkSuspendState() : initialStart = false initialSuspend = false
04-11 17:21:24.694: VERBOSE/BluetoothEventRedirector(492): Received android.bluetooth.a2dp.action.SINK_STATE_CHANGED
04-11 17:21:24.694: DEBUG/CachedBluetoothDevice(492): onProfileStateChanged:[]
04-11 17:21:24.705: DEBUG/BluetoothA2dpService(96): A2DP state : device: BC:47:60:0F:4B:F3 State:0->1
04-11 17:21:24.705: INFO/DTUN_CLNT(1233):     Client calling DTUN_METHOD_AM_AV_OPEN (id 20)
04-11 17:21:24.705: INFO/(1220): DTUN_ReceiveCtrlMsg: [DTUN] Received message [BTLIF_DTUN_METHOD_CALL] 4354
04-11 17:21:24.705: INFO/(1220): handle_method_call: handle_method_call :: received DTUN_METHOD_AM_AV_OPEN (id 20), len 6
04-11 17:21:24.705: ERROR/BTLD(1220): reset flags
04-11 17:21:24.705: WARN/BTLD(1220): ccb timer ticks: 0
04-11 17:21:24.705: DEBUG/DTUN_HCID4(1233): stream creation in progress
04-11 17:21:24.714: INFO//system/bin/btld(1219): ##### USerial_Ioctl: BT_Wake, 0x8003 ####
04-11 17:21:24.958: WARN/BTLD(1220): process_service_search_attr_rsp
04-11 17:21:25.017: WARN/BTLD(1220): ccb timer ticks: 0
04-11 17:21:25.227: ERROR/BTLD(1220): bta_av_rc_create ACP handle exist for shdl:0
04-11 17:21:25.325: WARN/BTLD(1220): bta_dm_rm_cback:0, status:1
04-11 17:21:25.325: WARN/BTLD(1220): bta_dm_act no entry for connected service cbs
04-11 17:21:25.325: INFO/BTL-IFS(1220): send_ctrl_msg: [BTL_IFS CTRL] send BTLIF_DTUN_SIGNAL_EVT (CTRL) 44 pbytes (hdl 15)
04-11 17:21:25.325: WARN/BTLD(1220): btui_av_callback(BTA_AV_OPEN_EVT::FAILED (page-timeout or protocol)::status: 3
04-11 17:21:25.325: INFO/DTUN_HCID4(1233): pending
04-11 17:21:25.325: INFO/DTUN_HCID4(1233): orig_msg = e588
04-11 17:21:25.325: ERROR/BluetoothA2dpService.cpp(96): onConnectSinkResult: D-Bus error: org.bluez.Error.Failed (Stream connection failed)
04-11 17:21:25.325: INFO/BluetoothA2dpService(96): checkSinkSuspendState() : state = 0 prevState = 1
04-11 17:21:25.325: INFO/BluetoothA2dpService(96): checkSinkSuspendState() : mTargetA2dpState = -1
04-11 17:21:25.325: INFO/BluetoothA2dpService(96): checkSinkSuspendState() : initialStart = false initialSuspend = false
04-11 17:21:25.334: VERBOSE/BluetoothEventRedirector(492): Received android.bluetooth.a2dp.action.SINK_STATE_CHANGED
04-11 17:21:25.334: INFO/BluetoothEventRedirector(492): Failed to connect BT A2DP
04-11 17:21:25.334: DEBUG/CachedBluetoothDevice(492): onProfileStateChanged:[]
04-11 17:21:25.334: DEBUG/BluetoothA2dpService(96): A2DP state : device: BC:47:60:0F:4B:F3 State:1->0
04-11 17:21:25.925: INFO//system/bin/btld(1219): ##### USerial_Ioctl: BT_Sleep, 0x8004 ####
04-11 17:21:26.775: WARN/BTLD(1220): ccb timer ticks: 2147483648
04-11 17:21:26.785: INFO//system/bin/btld(1219): ##### USerial_Ioctl: BT_Wake, 0x8003 ####
04-11 17:21:27.725: INFO//system/bin/btld(1219): ##### USerial_Ioctl: BT_Sleep, 0x8004 ####

Personne ne sait ce que je fais de mal?
D'une manière générale, la question est-il possible de connecter deux téléphones Android via Bluetooth et flux à partir d'un téléphone à l'autre? Avez-vous d'autres approches?


OriginalL'auteur user679935 | 2011-04-11