Comment échanger des valeurs dans NSMutableArray?

Ce morceau de codes segment de la faute sur moi, aucune idée pourquoi? allButtons est un NSMutableArrayil contient 3 objets, a=0, b=1a et b sont int type

 if(a != -1 && b!= -1){
    //Swap index in "allButtons"
    id tempA = [allButtons objectAtIndex:a];
    id tempB = [allButtons objectAtIndex:b];
    [allButtons replaceObjectAtIndex:a withObject:tempB]; //Seg fault here?????
    [allButtons replaceObjectAtIndex:b withObject:tempA];
    needLoad = false;
    [self setUpButtons];


 NSMutableArray *allButtons = //fetch the array from Coredata. This work since I display the data onto the screen, plus, [allButtons count] return 3, and a=0, b=1
 f(a != -1 && b!= -1){
    //Swap index in "allButtons"
    [allButtons exchangeObjectAtIndex:a withObjectAtIndex:b];
    needLoad = false;
    [self setUpButtons];

source d'informationauteur Thang Pham