Comment enregistrer et récupérer les empreintes digitales du modèle de base de données dans phpmyadmin, à l'aide de VB

Nous utilisons personnage numérique pour nos biométrie. On peut déjà enregistrer le code d'employé nom de l'employé et affecté doigt .Notre problème est que nous ne savons pas comment faire pour enregistrer une empreinte digitale de modèle à une base de données et de les récupérer, de sorte qu'il peut être lu et vérifié par le scanner biométrique. L'extension du fichier est ".ftp" .


Private Sub buttonRegister_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles buttonRegister.Click
'Does user already exists
Dim bUserExists As Boolean = _Users.UserExists(New UserID(textBoxUserName.Text))
' first make sure the user is created if new user
If _ActiveUser Is Nothing Or Not bUserExists Then
' initialize with supplied user name
_ActiveUser = New User(textBoxUserName.Text)
' update active user if not as originally selected
If bUserExists And Not listBoxUsers.SelectedItem.ToString() = textBoxUserName.Text Then
_ActiveUser = _Users(New UserID(textBoxUserName.Text))
End If
End If
' and check if the template already exists for the assigned finger
If _ActiveUser.TemplateExists(_AssignedFinger) Then
' show message indicating template already exists for selected finger
Dim diagResult As DialogResult = MessageBox.Show(Me, [String].Format("Oops!" + ControlChars.Cr + ControlChars.Lf + "{0} has a template enrolled to his/her {1} finger." + ControlChars.Cr + ControlChars.Lf + ControlChars.Cr + ControlChars.Lf + "Shall the old template be discarded?", _ActiveUser.ID.ToString(), _Fingers(_AssignedFinger)), "Template already assigned!", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
' if user selected not to overwrite, then abort
If diagResult = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No Then
End If
End If
' attempt to read the template
Dim templateOpened As New DPFP.Template(File.OpenRead(textBoxTemplateFilename.Text))
' run a template duplicate check
' remove the old template if exists
If _ActiveUser.TemplateExists(_AssignedFinger) Then
' removed from assigned finger
End If
' and assign it to the user as specified
_ActiveUser.AddTemplate(templateOpened, _AssignedFinger)
' update collection
If Not _Users.UserExists(_ActiveUser.ID) Then
' update list box
' add user it to the user collection
End If
' success
UpdateEventLog([String].Format("{0}: Template successfully assigned to {1} finger.", _ActiveUser.ID.ToString(), _AssignedFinger.ToString()))
' turn off groupbox
groupAddTemplate.Visible = False
listBoxUsers.SelectedItem = _ActiveUser.ID.ToString()
' sync gui
' view user
Catch Err As DPFP.Error.SDKException
' log message
Catch Err As System.IO.FileNotFoundException
' log message
UpdateEventLog("Template file not found or is inaccessible.")
Catch Err As Exception
' log message
End Try
Using conn As New MySqlConnection("Server = localhost; Username= root; Password =; Database = vb")
Using cmd
With cmd
MsgBox("Connection Established")
.Connection = conn
'Create Insert Query
.CommandText = "INSERT INTO employees(UserID, Name, Finger) VALUES (@iID, @iName, @iFinger)"
.Parameters.Add(New MySqlParameter("@iID", ID.Text))
.Parameters.Add(New MySqlParameter("@iName", textBoxUserName.Text))
.Parameters.Add(New MySqlParameter("@iFinger", comboBoxAssignedFinger.Text))
End With
'Open Connection and Execute Query
Catch ex As MySqlException
End Try
End Using
End Using
InformationsquelleAutor godslove | 2012-11-27