Comment faire Pour Changer d'Onglet de la barre de couleur dans Xcode

Comment puis-je aller sur la modification de la barre d'onglets de couleur dans ce code? Ma barre d'onglets est noir. Cliquez sur le change en bleu. Je veux changer le remorquage de la couleur à n'importe quelle autre couleur.

Ce code est de :demande.m
et là :rotatingTabBarController.m ,rotatingTabBarController.h

// 1B) If this app uses tabs, create a tabbed navigation application and set the default screen for each tab
//     to the defaultScreenGuid in the tabs data
if([self.tabs count] > 0){
[BT_debugger showIt:self:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"building a tabbed based navigation app%@", @""]];
if([self.screens count] > 0){
qoqb_appDelegate *appDelegate = (qoqb_appDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];   
//initialize the tab bar controller
rootTabBarController = [[BT_rotatingTabBarController alloc] init];
[rootTabBarController.view setFrame:[[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds]];
[rootTabBarController setDelegate:appDelegate];
rootTabBarController.view.autoresizingMask = (UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight);
//if we have a tabbar color setup in the theme
if(self.rootTheme != nil){
if([self.rootTheme.jsonVars objectForKey:@"tabBarColor"]){
if([[self.rootTheme.jsonVars objectForKey:@"tabBarColor"] length] > 3){
UIColor *tabberColor = [BT_color getColorFromHexString:[self.rootTheme.jsonVars objectForKey:@"tabBarColor"]];
NSString *tabberOpacity = @".50";
if([self.rootTheme.jsonVars objectForKey:@"tabBarColorOpacity"]){
if([[self.rootTheme.jsonVars objectForKey:@"tabBarColorOpacity"] length] > 0){
tabberOpacity = [NSString stringWithFormat:@".%@", [self.rootTheme.jsonVars objectForKey:@"tabBarColorOpacity"]];
if([tabberOpacity isEqualToString:@".100"]) tabberOpacity = @".50";
//colorize the tab-bar
[rootTabBarController addTabColor:tabberColor:[tabberOpacity doubleValue]];
//Fill a temporary array of view controllers to assign to tab bar controller
NSMutableArray *tmpViewControllers = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; 
//loop through each tab bar item in application data
for(int i = 0; i < [[self tabs] count]; i++){
//this tab
BT_item *thisTab = (BT_item *)[[self tabs] objectAtIndex:i];
NSString *textLabel = [[thisTab jsonVars] objectForKey:@"textLabel"];               
UIImage *tabIcon = [UIImage imageNamed:[[thisTab jsonVars] objectForKey:@"iconName"]];              
//get the screen from the apps array of screens for this tab's view controller
if([[thisTab jsonVars] objectForKey:@"homeScreenItemId"]){
BT_item *thisTabsDefaultScreenData = [self getScreenDataByItemId:[[thisTab jsonVars] objectForKey:@"homeScreenItemId"]];
//if this is the first tab in the list, remember it as the "currently loaded screen", also make it the "previously loaded screen"
if(i == 0){
[self setCurrentScreenData:thisTabsDefaultScreenData];
[self setPreviousScreenData:thisTabsDefaultScreenData];
[thisTabsDefaultScreenData setIsHomeScreen:TRUE];
//if theScreen has an audio file..load it in the delegate
if([[BT_strings getJsonPropertyValue:thisTabsDefaultScreenData.jsonVars:@"audioFileName":@""] length] > 3){
qoqb_appDelegate *appDelegate = (qoqb_appDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];   
//initialize audio in different thread to prevent UI blocking
[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector: @selector(loadAudioForScreen:) toTarget:appDelegate withObject:thisTabsDefaultScreenData];
InformationsquelleAutor Moh ali | 2012-04-25