Comment puis-je faire de ce script PowerShell analyser de gros fichiers plus rapidement?

J'ai le texte suivant script PowerShell qui va analyser certains très gros fichier pour ETL fins. Pour commencer mon fichier de test est ~ 30 MO. Fichiers les plus grands autour de 200 MO sont attendus. J'ai donc quelques questions.

Le script ci-dessous fonctionne, mais il faut un temps très long processus même de 30 MO de fichier.

Script PowerShell:

$path = "E:\Documents\Projects\ESPS\Dev\DataFiles\DimProductionOrderOperation"
$infile = "14SEP11_ProdOrderOperations.txt"
$outfile = "PROCESSED_14SEP11_ProdOrderOperations.txt"
$array = @()

$content = gc $path$infile |
    select -skip 4 |
    where {$_ -match "[|].*[|].*"} |
    foreach {$_ -replace "^[|]","" -replace "[|]$",""}

$header = $content[0]

$array = $content[0]
for ($i = 1; $i -le $content.length; $i+=1) {
    if ($array[$i] -ne $content[0]) {$array += $content[$i]}

$array | out-file $path$outfile -encoding ASCII

DataFile Extrait:

|Data statistics|Number of|
|Records passed |   93,118|
02/14/2012                                                                                                                                                           Production Operations and Confirmations                                                                                                                                                              2
Production Operations and Confirmations
|ProductionOrderNumber|MaterialNumber                       |ModifiedDate|Plant|OperationRoutingNumber|WorkCenter|OperationStatus|IsActive|     WbsElement|SequenceNumber|OperationNumber|OperationDescription                    |OperationQty|ConfirmedYieldQty|StandardValueLabor|ActualDirectLaborHrs|ActualContractorLaborHrs|ActualOvertimeLaborHrs|ConfirmationNumber|
|180849518            |011255486L1                          |02/08/2012  |2101 |            9901123118|56B30     |I9902          |        |SOC10MA2302SOCJ31|              |0140           |Operation 1                             |          1 |               0 |              0.0 |                    |                499.990 |                      |        9908651250|
|180849518            |011255486L1                          |02/08/2012  |2101 |            9901123118|56B30     |I9902          |        |SOC10MA2302SOCJ31|14            |9916           |Operation 2                             |          1 |               0 |            499.0 |                    |                        |                      |        9908532289|
|181993564            |011255486L1                          |02/09/2012  |2101 |            9901288820|56B30     |I9902          |        |SOC10MD2302SOCJ31|14            |9916           |Operation 1                             |          1 |               0 |            499.0 |                    |                399.599 |                      |        9908498544|
|180885825            |011255486L1                          |02/08/2012  |2101 |            9901162239|56B30     |I9902          |        |SOC10MG2302SOCJ31|              |0150           |Operation 3                             |          1 |               0 |              0.0 |                    |                882.499 |                      |        9908099659|
|180885825            |011255486L1                          |02/08/2012  |2101 |            9901162239|56B30     |I9902          |        |SOC10MG2302SOCJ31|14            |9916           |Operation 4                             |          1 |               0 |            544.0 |                    |                        |                      |        9908858514|
|181638583            |990104460I0                          |02/10/2012  |2101 |            9902123289|56G99     |I9902          |        |SOC11MAR105SOCJ31|              |0160           |Operation 5                             |          1 |               0 |          1,160.0 |                    |                        |                      |        9914295010|
|181681218            |990104460B0                          |02/08/2012  |2101 |            9902180981|56G99     |I9902          |        |SOC11MAR328SOCJ31|0             |9910           |Operation 6                             |          1 |               0 |            916.0 |                    |                        |                      |        9914621885|
|181681036            |990104460I0                          |02/09/2012  |2101 |            9902180289|56G99     |I9902          |        |SOC11MAR108SOCJ31|              |0180           |Operation 8                             |          1 |               0 |              1.0 |                    |                        |                      |        9914619196|
|189938054            |011255486A2                          |02/10/2012  |2101 |            9999206805|5AD99     |I9902          |        |RS08MJ2305SOCJ31 |              |0599           |Operation 8                             |          1 |               0 |              0.0 |                    |                        |                      |        9901316289|
|181919894            |012984532A3                          |02/10/2012  |2101 |            9902511433|A199399Z  |I9902          |        |SOC12MCB101SOCJ31|0             |9935           |Operation 9                             |          1 |               0 |              0.5 |                    |                        |                      |        9916914233|
|181919894            |012984532A3                          |02/10/2012  |2101 |            9902511433|A199399Z  |I9902          |        |SOC12MCB101SOCJ31|22            |9951           |Operation 10                            |          1 |               0 |           68.080 |                    |                        |                      |        9916914224|
Une recherche pour "Obtenir le Contenu des fichiers volumineux" a été très utile. Voir

OriginalL'auteur shawno | 2012-02-24