Comment utiliser material2 tableau de données

Je suis en train de mettre en œuvre Material2 tableau de données. Mais je ne suis pas en mesure de comprendre comment l'utiliser de façon appropriée.

import {Component, ElementRef, ViewChild} from '@angular/core';
import {DataSource} from '@angular/cdk';
import {BehaviorSubject} from 'rxjs/BehaviorSubject';
import {Observable} from 'rxjs/Observable';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/startWith';
import 'rxjs/add/observable/merge';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/map';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/debounceTime';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/distinctUntilChanged';
import 'rxjs/add/observable/fromEvent';
selector: 'table-filtering-example',
styleUrls: ['table-filtering-example.css'],
templateUrl: 'table-filtering-example.html',
export class TableFilteringExample {
displayedColumns = ['userId', 'userName', 'progress', 'color'];
exampleDatabase = new ExampleDatabase();
dataSource: ExampleDataSource | null;
@ViewChild('filter') filter: ElementRef;
ngOnInit() {
this.dataSource = new ExampleDataSource(this.exampleDatabase);
Observable.fromEvent(this.filter.nativeElement, 'keyup')
.subscribe(() => {
if (!this.dataSource) { return; }
this.dataSource.filter = this.filter.nativeElement.value;
/** Constants used to fill up our data base. */
const COLORS = ['maroon', 'red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'olive', 'green', 'purple',
'fuchsia', 'lime', 'teal', 'aqua', 'blue', 'navy', 'black', 'gray'];
const NAMES = ['Maia', 'Asher', 'Olivia', 'Atticus', 'Amelia', 'Jack',
'Charlotte', 'Theodore', 'Isla', 'Oliver', 'Isabella', 'Jasper',
'Cora', 'Levi', 'Violet', 'Arthur', 'Mia', 'Thomas', 'Elizabeth'];
export interface UserData {
id: string;
name: string;
progress: string;
color: string;
/** An example database that the data source uses to retrieve data for the table. */
export class ExampleDatabase {
/** Stream that emits whenever the data has been modified. */
dataChange: BehaviorSubject<UserData[]> = new BehaviorSubject<UserData[]>([]);
get data(): UserData[] { return this.dataChange.value; }
constructor() {
//Fill up the database with 100 users.
for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) { this.addUser(); }
/** Adds a new user to the database. */
addUser() {
const copiedData =;
/** Builds and returns a new User. */
private createNewUser() {
const name =
NAMES[Math.round(Math.random() * (NAMES.length - 1))] + ' ' +
NAMES[Math.round(Math.random() * (NAMES.length - 1))].charAt(0) + '.';
return {
id: ( + 1).toString(),
name: name,
progress: Math.round(Math.random() * 100).toString(),
color: COLORS[Math.round(Math.random() * (COLORS.length - 1))]
* Data source to provide what data should be rendered in the table. Note that the data source
* can retrieve its data in any way. In this case, the data source is provided a reference
* to a common data base, ExampleDatabase. It is not the data source's responsibility to manage
* the underlying data. Instead, it only needs to take the data and send the table exactly what
* should be rendered.
export class ExampleDataSource extends DataSource<any> {
_filterChange = new BehaviorSubject('');
get filter(): string { return this._filterChange.value; }
set filter(filter: string) {; }
constructor(private _exampleDatabase: ExampleDatabase) {
/** Connect function called by the table to retrieve one stream containing the data to render. */
connect(): Observable<UserData[]> {
const displayDataChanges = [
return Observable.merge(...displayDataChanges).map(() => {
return UserData) => {
let searchStr = ( + item.color).toLowerCase();
return searchStr.indexOf(this.filter.toLowerCase()) != -1;
disconnect() {}

Ci-dessus est le code de la datatable qui est très confus pour moi. Même que leur documentation est très pauvre. Quelqu'un peut m'expliquer ce qu'est le flux de code ci-dessus?

S'il vous plaît ignorer si vous vous sentez question est trop basique pour demander de plus?

InformationsquelleAutor Sunil Garg | 2017-07-10