Erreur:l'Attribut “thème” a déjà été défini

Je suis en utilisant Android studio pour la création de l'application. Je me sers de ce dépendances suivantes:

  1. play : compile ''
  2. app combat v7 : compile ''
  3. soutien Cardview : compile ''
  4. soutien Recycleur de vue : compile ''

Je suis d'erreur suivant lors de la construction de mon application:

    Error:Attribute "theme" has already been defined

Code Styles.xml


    <!-- Base application theme. -->
    <style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar">
        <!-- Customize your theme here. -->


Code wallet_attrs.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. -->
<!-- Attributes for the WalletFragment &lt;fragment&gt; tag -->
<declare-styleable name="WalletFragmentOptions">
<!-- Theme to be used for the Wallet selector -->
<attr name="theme" format="enum">
<enum name="holo_dark" value="0"/>
<enum name="holo_light" value="1"/>
<!-- Google Wallet environment to use -->
<attr name="environment" format="enum">
<enum name="production" value="1"/>
<enum name="sandbox" value="0"/>
<enum name="strict_sandbox" value="2"/>
<!-- A style resource specifing attributes to customize the look and feel of WalletFragment -->
<attr name="fragmentStyle" format="reference"/>
<!-- Fragment mode -->
<attr name="fragmentMode" format="enum">
<enum name="buyButton" value="1"/>
<enum name="selectionDetails" value="2"/>
<!-- Attributes that may be specified in a style resource to customize the look and feel of
WalletFragment -->
<declare-styleable name="WalletFragmentStyle">
<!-- Height of the buy button. This includes an 8dp padding (4dp on each side) used for
pressed and focused states of the button. The value can be a specific height, e.g.
"48dp", or special values "match_parent" and "wrap_content". -->
<attr name="buyButtonHeight" format="dimension">
<enum name="match_parent" value="-1" />
<enum name="wrap_content" value="-2" />
<!-- Width of the buy button. This includes an 8dp padding (4dp on each side) used for
pressed and focused states of the button. The value can be a specific width, e.g.
"300dp", or special values "match_parent" and "wrap_content". -->
<attr name="buyButtonWidth" format="dimension">
<enum name="match_parent" value="-1" />
<enum name="wrap_content" value="-2" />
<!-- Text on the buy button. Must be one of "buy_with_google", "buy_now" and "book_now" -->
<attr name="buyButtonText" format="enum">
<enum name="buy_with_google" value="1"/>
<enum name="buy_now" value="2"/>
<enum name="book_now" value="3"/>
<!-- Appearance of the buy button. Must be one of "classic", "grayscale" and "monochrome" -->
<attr name="buyButtonAppearance" format="enum">
<enum name="classic" value="1"/>
<enum name="grayscale" value="2"/>
<enum name="monochrome" value="3"/>
<!-- TextAppearance for masked wallet details -->
<attr name="maskedWalletDetailsTextAppearance" format="reference"/>
<!-- TextAppearance for headers describing masked wallet details -->
<attr name="maskedWalletDetailsHeaderTextAppearance" format="reference"/>
<!-- Masked wallet details background -->
<attr name="maskedWalletDetailsBackground" format="reference|color"/>
<!-- TextAppearance for the "Change" button in masked wallet details view -->
<attr name="maskedWalletDetailsButtonTextAppearance" format="reference"/>
<!-- "Change" button background in masked wallet details view -->
<attr name="maskedWalletDetailsButtonBackground" format="reference|color"/>
<!-- Color of the Google Wallet logo text in masked wallet details view -->
<attr name="maskedWalletDetailsLogoTextColor" format="color"/>
<!-- Type of the wallet logo image in masked wallet details view -->
<attr name="maskedWalletDetailsLogoImageType" format="enum">
<enum name="classic" value="1"/>
<enum name="monochrome" value="2"/>
  • après plz le code de votre wallet_attrs.xml fichier et votre styles.xml c'est à l'intérieur des valeurs de dossier
  • édité à la question ci-dessus
  • essayez de mettre à niveau votre google play services de dépendance à ce'
  • ensuite, assurez-vous que toutes les ur construire-un soutien et des outils-outils SDK manager sont à jour ou remarque. bcoz ur xms fichiers ne semble pas avoir de problème. le problème est avec la bibliothèque. afin de tout mettre à jour dans le sdk manager ainsi que service gms dépendance comme mentionné ci-dessus
InformationsquelleAutor ash | 2014-10-24