Fuite de mémoire Tomcat8

Quand j'essaie d'arrêter tomcat8 sur Java 8, je reçois quelques fuites de mémoire des erreurs:

org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.clearReferencesThreads The web application [ROOT] appears to have started a thread named [Abandoned connection cleanup thread] but has failed to stop it. This is very likely to create a memory leak. Stack trace of thread:
 java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
23-Jan-2015 08:18:10.202 WARNING [localhost-startStop-2] org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.clearReferencesThreads The web application [ROOT] appears to have started a thread named [pool-5-thread-1] but has failed to stop it. This is very likely to create a memory leak. Stack trace of thread

23-Jan-2015 08:18:10.205 SEVERE [localhost-startStop-2] org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks The web application [ROOT] created a ThreadLocal with key of type [com.util.ThreadLocalProperties$1] (value [com.util.ThreadLocalProperties$1@2fafda6e]) and a value of type [java.util.Properties] (value [{}]) but failed to remove it when the web application was stopped. Threads are going to be renewed over time to try and avoid a probable memory leak.

La classe ThreadLocalProperties est:

public class ThreadLocalProperties extends Properties {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = -4260632266508618756L;
    private final ThreadLocal<Properties> localProperties = new ThreadLocal<Properties>() {
        protected Properties initialValue() {
            return new Properties();

    public ThreadLocalProperties(Properties properties) {

    public String getProperty(String key) {
        String localValue = localProperties.get().getProperty(key);
        return localValue == null ? super.getProperty(key) : localValue;

    public Object setProperty(String key, String value) {
        return localProperties.get().setProperty(key, value);

    public ThreadLocal<Properties> getThreadLocal() {
        return localProperties;

et je le démarrer et l'arrêter comme ceci:

public class GeneralListener implements ServletContextListener {

    ThreadLocalProperties threadLocalProperties = new ThreadLocalProperties(System.getProperties());

    public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent arg0) {

    public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent arg0) {

Pourquoi aurais-je obtenir tout cela fuites de mémoire des erreurs? ainsi, quand je le lance en arrêt, il n'a pas l'arrêter, je dois manuellement tuer le processus.

Quel est le problème?

source d'informationauteur Dejell