installer Android sdk en ligne de commande linux

Je veux télécharger android sdk via la ligne de commande.
J'ai reçu ce commandement de commande
J'ai téléchargé le SDK Android r18 fichier tar. extrait et dans le répertoire outils,

J'ai essayé cette commande

>android udpate sdk --no-ui 

Il donne une erreur,

Error: Flag '--no-ui' is not valid for 'update sdk'.

Aussi, je ne vois pas l'option --no-options d'interface dans le

android --help

L'a fait Google de modifier les options de ligne de commande

Quand j'ai fait un aider, j'obtiens ce,

android --help update sdk
android [global options] action [action options]
Global options:
-v --verbose  Verbose mode: errors, warnings and informational messages are printed.
-h --help     Help on a specific command.
-s --silent   Silent mode: only errors are printed out.
Valid actions are composed of a verb and an optional direct object:
-   list             : Lists existing targets or virtual devices.
-   list avd         : Lists existing Android Virtual Devices.
-   list target      : Lists existing targets.
- create avd         : Creates a new Android Virtual Device.
-   move avd         : Moves or renames an Android Virtual Device.
- delete avd         : Deletes an Android Virtual Device.
- update avd         : Updates an Android Virtual Device to match the folders of a new SDK.
- create project     : Creates a new Android Project.
- update project     : Updates an Android Project (must have an AndroidManifest.xml).
- create test-project: Creates a new Android Test Project.
- update test-project: Updates an Android Test Project (must have an AndroidManifest.xml).
- create lib-project : Creates a new Android Library Project.
- update lib-project : Updates an Android Library Project (must have an AndroidManifest.xml).
- update adb         : Updates adb to support the USB devices declared in the SDK add-ons.
- update sdk         : Updates the SDK by suggesting new platforms to install if available.
Action "list ":
Lists existing targets or virtual devices.
No options
Action "list avd":
Lists existing Android Virtual Devices.
No options
Action "list target":
Lists existing targets.
No options
Action "create avd":
Creates a new Android Virtual Device.
-c --sdcard   Path to a shared SD card image, or size of a new sdcard for the new AVD
-t --target   Target id of the new AVD [required]
-n --name     Name of the new AVD [required]
-p --path     Location path of the directory where the new AVD will be created
-f --force    Force creation (override an existing AVD)
-s --skin     Skin of the new AVD
Action "move avd":
Moves or renames an Android Virtual Device.
-p --path     New location path of the directory where to move the AVD
-n --name     Name of the AVD to move or rename [required]
-r --rename   New name of the AVD to rename
Action "delete avd":
Deletes an Android Virtual Device.
-n --name     Name of the AVD to delete [required]
Action "update avd":
Updates an Android Virtual Device to match the folders of a new SDK.
-n --name     Name of the AVD to update [required]
Action "create project":
Creates a new Android Project.
-n --name     Project name
-t --target   Target id of the new project [required]
-p --path     Location path of new project [required]
-k --package  Package name [required]
-a --activity Activity name [required]
Action "update project":
Updates an Android Project (must have an AndroidManifest.xml).
-p --path     Location path of the project [required]
-l --library  Location path of an Android Library to add, relative to the main project
-n --name     Project name
-t --target   Target id to set for the project
-s --subprojects Also update any projects in sub-folders, such as test projects.
Action "create test-project":
Creates a new Android Test Project.
-p --path     Location path of new project [required]
-m --main     Location path of the project to test, relative to the new project [required]
-n --name     Project name
Action "update test-project":
Updates an Android Test Project (must have an AndroidManifest.xml).
-m --main     Location path of the project to test, relative to the new project [required]
-p --path     Location path of the project [required]
Action "create lib-project":
Creates a new Android Library Project.
-n --name     Project name
-p --path     Location path of new project [required]
-t --target   Target id of the new project [required]
-k --package  Package name [required]
Action "update lib-project":
Updates an Android Library Project (must have an AndroidManifest.xml).
-p --path     Location path of the project [required]
-l --library  Location path of an Android Library to add, relative to the main project
-t --target   Target id to set for the project
Action "update adb":
Updates adb to support the USB devices declared in the SDK add-ons.
No options
Action "update sdk":
Updates the SDK by suggesting new platforms to install if available.
No options

source d'informationauteur dcanh121