jQuery .inArray() toujours vrai?

Je suis en train d'utiliser inarray mais sa revient toujours vrai? Des idées? (tous les li sont affichées)

$("#select-by-color-list li").hide();

//get the select
var $dd = $('#product-variants-option-0');

if ($dd.length > 0) { //make sure we found the select we were looking for

    //save the selected value
    var selectedVal = $dd.val();

    //get the options and loop through them
    var $options = $('option', $dd);
    var arrVals = [];
        //push each option value and text into an array
            val: $(this).val(),
            text: $(this).text()


//This is where it is returning true...

if($.inArray('Aqua', arrVals)) {
    $("#select-by-color-list li#aqua").show();
    if($.inArray('Army', arrVals)) {
    $("#select-by-color-list li#army").show();

OriginalL'auteur Charles Marsh | 2010-12-29