Le rapport Sccm pour montrer quand le logiciel a été utilisé en dernier

Je suis entrain de créer un rapport pour trouver des ordinateurs sur notre réseau qui ont certains logiciels.

Le rapport fonctionnait bien, jusqu'à ce que je voulais savoir quand le programme a été utilisé en dernier. Quand j'ai ajouté "LastUsedTime0" le résultat ont augmenté.

Je ne suis pas un programmeur et mes scripts un essai et l'erreur de beaucoup de scripts, mais on dirait que le lien de la base de données n'est pas correcte (à partir de mon crystal reports expérience).

Voici le script


SELECT s.Name0, DisplayName0, Publisher0, s.AD_Site_Name0, TopConsoleUser0, LastUsedTime0

FROM v_Add_Remove_Programs arp,V_R_system s, 
v_FullCollectionMembership fcm, 

WHERE fcm.CollectionID = 'SMS00001' and 
arp.ResourceID=fcm.ResourceID and 
arp.ResourceID=s.ResourceID and 
arp.ResourceID=rua.ResourceID and
arp.ResourceID=scu.ResourceID and

DisplayName0 like 'Microsoft Office%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Excel%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%database engine%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%slide%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%frontpage%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%SharePoint%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Live%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%PowerPoint%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Word%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%XML%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Communicator%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%SR-1%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Resource%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Visio%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Web%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%XP%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Sounds%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%OneNote%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Click%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Primary%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Standard%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Connector%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Pack%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Add-in%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Validation%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Components%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Proof%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%MUI%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Service%' or
DisplayName0 like 'Microsoft Project%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Pack%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%MUI%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Service%' or
DisplayName0 like 'Microsoft Access%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%engine%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Runtime%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Standard%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Connector%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Pack%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Add-in%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Validation%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Components%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Proof%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%MUI%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Service%' or
DisplayName0 like 'Microsoft Project%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Pack%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%MUI%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Trial%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Service%' or
DisplayName0 like 'Microsoft Access%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%engine%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%MUI%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Service%' or
DisplayName0 like 'Microsoft Visio%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Pack%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%MUI%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Viewer%' and
DisplayName0 not like '%Service%' 

GROUP BY DisplayName0, Publisher0, s.AD_Site_Name0, s.Name0, LastUsedTime0, TopConsoleUser0

ORDER BY Publisher0


Ce script est probablement pas la meilleure façon de faire ce que je veux faire toutes les suggestions sont les grands.

tas merci pour votre temps.

OriginalL'auteur Maiketh | 2012-06-07