PHP: Comment encoder des nombres infinis ou NaN en JSON?

Apparemment, l'infini et NaN sont pas une partie de JSON spécification, de sorte que ce code PHP:

$numbers = array();
$numbers ['positive_infinity'] = +INF;
$numbers ['negative_infinity'] = -INF;
$numbers ['not_a_number'] = NAN;
$array_print = print_r ($numbers, true);
$array_json = json_encode ($numbers);
echo "\nprint_r(): $array_print";
echo "\njson_encode(): $array_json";

Ce produit:

PHP Warning:  json_encode(): double INF does not conform to the JSON spec, encoded as 0 in /home/septi/test.php on line 8
PHP Warning:  json_encode(): double -INF does not conform to the JSON spec, encoded as 0 in /home/septi/test.php on line 8
PHP Warning:  json_encode(): double NAN does not conform to the JSON spec, encoded as 0 in /home/septi/test.php on line 8

print_r(): Array
    [positive_infinity] => INF
    [negative_infinity] => -INF
    [not_a_number] => NAN

json_encode(): {"positive_infinity":0,"negative_infinity":0,"not_a_number":0}

Est-il un moyen de coder correctement ces chiffres sans avoir à écrire de ma propre json_encode() fonction? Peut-être que certains solution de contournement?

source d'informationauteur Septagram