Programmation Java - Tableau Circulaire

Quelqu'un peut-il me dire où j'ai fait de mal? Ma classe de File d'attente fonctionne comme une Pile, pas une File d'attente. Si je mets en file d'attente 1, 2, et 3 (dans cet ordre), puis file d'attente, il supprime les 3, pas le 1.

Vous en remercie d'avance!
Je ne suis pas sûr de l'endroit où j'ai fait de mal!

Voici mon code:

import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
public class Queue implements QueueADT
private int front = 0;
private int back = 0;
private int [] a;
private int size = 10;
public Queue(){
a = new int [10];
public Queue(int size){
a = new int [size];
this.size = size;
//enqueue - adds an element to the back of the queue
public void enqueue(int element){
if(((back+1) - front) == -1 || ((back+1) - front) == (a.length - 1))
if (back == a.length - 1)
back = 0;
a[back++] = element;
//dequeue - removes and returns the element from the
//front of the queue
public int dequeue(){
throw new NoSuchElementException("Dequeue: Queue is empty");
if (front < back){
front ++;
return a[front-1];
else if (front > back){
return a[front++];  
return 1;
//peek - returns but does not remove the element from
//the front of the queue
public int peek(){
throw new NoSuchElementException("Peek: Queue is empty");
return a[front];
//isEmpty - determines if the queue is empty or not
public boolean isEmpty(){
return size() == 0;
private void resizeArray()
//double the size of the array
int[] newA = new int[a.length * 2];
int x = 0;
while(x < size - 1){
newA[x] = dequeue();
size = size *2;
front = 0;
back = x;
a = newA;
//size - returns the number of elements in our Queue
public int size(){
if (front > back ){
return size - (front - (back + 1));}
return back - front + 1;}
//toString - returns a String representation of our Queue
public String toString(){
if(isEmpty()) {
throw new NoSuchElementException("Queue is empty");
String s = "[ ";
//print queue
for(int i = 0; i < size(); i++)
s += a[i] + " ";
//print array
for(int j = size(); j < a.length; j++)
s += "* ";
s += "]";
return s;
//equals - determines if two queues are equivalent
//i.e. do they have the same elements in the same sequence
//ignoring the structure they are stored in
public boolean equals(Object otherQ){
if(otherQ == null)
return false;
//Figure out how many interfaces the other guy
int numIs = otherQ.getClass().getInterfaces().length;
boolean flag = false;
//look at all of the other guys interfaces
//and if he doesn't implement QueueADT, then
//he clearly isn't a Queue and we return false
for(int i = 0; i < numIs; i++)
if(this.getClass().getInterfaces()[0] ==
flag = true;
return false;
else //we know that the other guy exists and
//we know that he implements QueueADT
QueueADT q = (QueueADT)otherQ;
if(this.size() != q.size())
return false;
boolean queuesEqual = true;
for(int i = 0; i < this.size(); i++)
int ourElement = this.dequeue();
int qElement = q.dequeue();
if(ourElement != qElement)
queuesEqual = false;
//return our final answer
return queuesEqual;
public void showInnerWorkings(){
for (int i = 0; i < this.a.length; i++)
System.out.print(this.a[i] +
(i != this.a.length - 1 ? ", " : ""));

QueueADT interface:

public interface QueueADT
//enqueue - adds an element to the back of the queue
public void enqueue(int element);
//dequeue - removes and returns the element from the
//front of the queue
public int dequeue();
//peek - returns but does not remove the element from
//the front of the queue
public int peek();
//isEmpty - determines if the queue is empty or not
public boolean isEmpty();
//size - returns the number of elements in our Queue
public int size();
//toString - returns a String representation of our Queue
public String toString();
//equals - determines if two queues are equivalent
//i.e. do they have the same elements in the same sequence
//ignoring the structure they are stored in
public boolean equals(Object otherQ);
  • Juste utiliser le haut de la file d'attente de la classe, pourquoi réinventer la roue?
  • il fonctionne correctement. quel est le problème
  • pls envoyer votre méthode principale
InformationsquelleAutor Hr0419 | 2014-11-25