Python des objets sérialisables json

class gpagelet:
    Holds   1) the pagelet xpath, which is a string
            2) the list of pagelet shingles, list
    def __init__(self, parent):
        if not isinstance( parent, gwebpage):
            raise Exception("Parent must be an instance of gwebpage")
        self.parent = parent    # This must be a gwebpage instance
        self.xpath = None       # String
        self.visibleShingles = [] # list of tuples
        self.invisibleShingles = [] # list of tuples
        self.urls = [] # list of string

class gwebpage:
    Holds all the datastructure after the results have been parsed
    holds:  1) lists of gpagelets
            2) loc, string, location of the file that represents it
    def __init__(self, url):
        self.url = url              # Str
        self.netloc = False         # Str
        self.gpagelets = []         # gpagelets instance
        self.page_key = ""          # str

Est-il un moyen pour moi de faire ma classe json sérialisable? La chose que je suis inquiet est la référence récursive.

InformationsquelleAutor | 2009-09-22