Python: Trouver le plus long/plus court de Mots Dans une Liste et de les Appeler dans une Fonction

J'ai une liste de mots:
J'ai deux fonctions qui sont censés trouver le plus court et le plus long des mots dans cette liste:

def bigWords(list=[], *args):
    for word in list:
        if largestWord<len(word):
    print "The longest word(s) in the list is %s." % largestWord

def smallWords(list=[], *args):
    for word in list:
        if smallestLen>len(word):
    print "The shortest word(s) in the list is: %s." % (smallestWord)

J'ai ces fonctions imbriquées afin que je puisse les appeler tous à la fois:

def callFunctions():

    print "The amount of words[] is %d" % wordLength
    func_list2 = [bigWords, smallWords]
    for f in func_list2:
        map(f, words)


C'est juste de retourner ce sans entrée les mots de la liste:

The longest word(s) in the list is .
The longest word(s) in the list is .
The longest word(s) in the list is .
The longest word(s) in the list is .
The longest word(s) in the list is .
The longest word(s) in the list is .
The longest word(s) in the list is .
The longest word(s) in the list is .
The longest word(s) in the list is .
The longest word(s) in the list is .
The shortest word(s) in the list is: .
The shortest word(s) in the list is: .
The shortest word(s) in the list is: .
The shortest word(s) in the list is: .
The shortest word(s) in the list is: .
The shortest word(s) in the list is: .
The shortest word(s) in the list is: .
The shortest word(s) in the list is: .
The shortest word(s) in the list is: .
The shortest word(s) in the list is: .

Ne sais pas pourquoi, toute aide est appréciée.

InformationsquelleAutor Shayd3 | 2014-10-01