Réparation de la table HBase (unassigned de région en transition)

Je suis un peu coincé la réparation d'un défaut de la table Hbase 0.92.1-cdh4.0.0, Hadoop 2.0.0-cdh4.0.0)

Il y a une région en transition qui ne finit pas:

Region    State
bf2025f4bc154914b5942af4e72ea063 counter_traces,1329773878.35_766a0b4df75e4381a686fbc07db9e333,1339425291230.bf2025f4bc154914b5942af4e72ea063. state=OFFLINE, ts=Tue Jun 12 11:43:53 CEST 2012 (0s ago), server=null

Quand je lance sudo -u hbase hbase hbck -repair, j'obtiens ceci:

Number of empty REGIONINFO_QUALIFIER rows in .META.: 0
ERROR: Region { meta => counter_traces,1329773878.35_766a0b4df75e4381a686fbc07db9e333,1339425291230.bf2025f4bc154914b5942af4e72ea063., hdfs => hdfs://hbase001:8020/hbase/counter_traces/bf2025f4bc154914b5942af4e72ea063, deployed =>  } not deployed on any region server.
Trying to fix unassigned region...
12/06/12 11:44:40 INFO util.HBaseFsckRepair: Region still in transition, waiting for it to become assigned: {NAME => 'counter_traces,1329773878.35_766a0b4df75e4381a686fbc07db9e333,1339425291230.bf2025f4bc154914b5942af4e72ea063.', STARTKEY => '1329773878.35_766a0b4df75e4381a686fbc07db9e333', ENDKEY => '1329793347.58_163865765c0a11e184ab003048f0e77e', ENCODED => bf2025f4bc154914b5942af4e72ea063,}

et il vient de boucles.

Si je ne fais pas la -repair, j'obtiens ceci:

Number of empty REGIONINFO_QUALIFIER rows in .META.: 0
ERROR: Region { meta => counter_traces,1329773878.35_766a0b4df75e4381a686fbc07db9e333,1339425291230.bf2025f4bc154914b5942af4e72ea063., hdfs => hdfs://hbase001:8020/hbase/counter_traces/bf2025f4bc154914b5942af4e72ea063, deployed =>  } not deployed on any region server.
ERROR: Region { meta => counter_traces,1329816776.95_95b5561f3c1e496598421359a19ac665,1339425297099.ee1fd808d954c9adc9ed95ec2f29d119., hdfs => hdfs://hbase001:8020/hbase/counter_traces/ee1fd808d954c9adc9ed95ec2f29d119, deployed =>  } not deployed on any region server.
12/06/12 11:45:59 DEBUG util.HBaseFsck: There are 134 region info entries
ERROR: There is a hole in the region chain between 1329773878.35_766a0b4df75e4381a686fbc07db9e333 and 1329793347.58_163865765c0a11e184ab003048f0e77e.  You need to create a new .regioninfo and region dir in hdfs to plug the hole.
ERROR: There is a hole in the region chain between 1329816776.95_95b5561f3c1e496598421359a19ac665 and 1329847231.75_b3c50776778b43e088dd7ed865e11331.  You need to create a new .regioninfo and region dir in hdfs to plug the hole.
ERROR: Found inconsistency in table counter_traces

J'ai couru -repair une couple de fois avant, et il a aidé. Mais cette fois,
pas plus.

Ok, c'unis pour faire une intervention manuelle pour corriger cela. Quelqu'un pourrait-il
me pointer dans la bonne direction sur la façon de faire cela? Une recette, page web, par exemple,
rien aidera.


OriginalL'auteur Mario | 2012-06-13