Rouge Noir Arbre de la suppression de l'algorithme

De "Introduction aux Algorithmes 2e édition" j'ai eu cette suppression de l'algorithme:

    RB-DELETE(T, z)
    1 if left[z] = nil[T] or right[z] = nil[T]
    2    then y ← z
    3    else y ← TREE-SUCCESSOR(z)
    4 if left[y] ≠ nil[T]
    5    then x ← left[y]
    6    else x ← right[y]
    7 p[x] ← p[y]
    8 if p[y] = nil[T]
    9    then root[T] ← x
    10    else if y = left[p[y]]
    11            then left[p[y]] ← x
    12            else right[p[y]] ← x
    13 if y != z
    14    then key[z] ← key[y]
    15         copy y's satellite data into z
    16 if color[y] = BLACK
    17    then RB-DELETE-FIXUP(T, x)
    18 return y

Maintenant quelques problèmes avec cet algorithme, l'un des principaux problèmes est que si vous essayez de construire l'arbre ( vous pouvez le faire ici) avec des nœuds 1,2,3,4,5,6 (placés dans cet ordre), puis supprimer le nœud 2, lignes 4, 5 et 6 de cet algorithme retourne nullptr (x == nullptr). Quelqu'un peut-il m'aider?

Voici l'aide d'algorithmes (à partir du même livre):

1  if right[x] ≠ NIL
2      then return TREE-MINIMUM (right[x])
3  y ← p[x]
4  while y ≠ NIL and x = right[y]
5      do x ← y
6         y ← p[y]
7  return y

1  while left[x] ≠ NIL
2      do x ← left[x]
3  return x

 1 while x ≠ root[T] and color[x] = BLACK
 2     do if x = left[p[x]]
 3           then w ← right[p[x]]
 4                if color[w] = RED
 5                   then color[w] ← BLACK                        ▹  Case 1
 6                        color[p[x]] ← RED                       ▹  Case 1
 7                        LEFT-ROTATE(T, p[x])                    ▹  Case 1
 8                        w ← right[p[x]]                         ▹  Case 1
 9                if color[left[w]] = BLACK and color[right[w]] = BLACK
10                   then color[w] ← RED                          ▹  Case 2
11                        x p[x]                                  ▹  Case 2
12                   else if color[right[w]] = BLACK
13                           then color[left[w]] ← BLACK          ▹  Case 3
14                                color[w] ← RED                  ▹  Case 3
15                                RIGHT-ROTATE(T, w)              ▹  Case 3
16                                w ← right[p[x]]                 ▹  Case 3
17                         color[w] ← color[p[x]]                 ▹  Case 4
18                         color[p[x]] ← BLACK                    ▹  Case 4
19                         color[right[w]] ← BLACK                ▹  Case 4
20                         LEFT-ROTATE(T, p[x])                   ▹  Case 4
21                         x ← root[T]                            ▹  Case 4
22        else (same as then clause with "right" and "left" exchanged)
23 color[x] ← BLACK

 1  y ← right[x]            ▹ Set y.
 2  right[x] ← left[y]      ▹ Turn y's left subtree into x's right subtree.
 3  p[left[y]] ← x
 4  p[y] ← p[x]             ▹ Link x's parent to y.
 5  if p[x] = nil[T]
 6     then root[T] ← y
 7     else if x = left[p[x]]
 8             then left[p[x]] ← y
 9             else right[p[x]] ← y
10  left[y] ← x             ▹ Put x on y's left.
11  p[x] ← y

 1  y ← nil[T]
 2  x ← root[T]
 3  while x ≠ nil[T]
 4      do y ← x
 5         if key[z] < key[x]
 6            then x ← left[x]
 7            else x ← right[x]
 8  p[z] ← y
 9  if y = nil[T]
10     then root[T] ← z
11     else if key[z] < key[y]
12             then left[y] ← z
13             else right[y] ← z
14  left[z] ← nil[T]
15  right[z] ← nil[T]
16  color[z] ← RED

 1 while color[p[z]] = RED
 2     do if p[z] = left[p[p[z]]]
 3           then y ← right[p[p[z]]]
 4                if color[y] = RED
 5                   then color[p[z]] ← BLACK                    ▹ Case 1
 6                        color[y] ← BLACK                       ▹ Case 1
 7                        color[p[p[z]]] ← RED                   ▹ Case 1
 8                        z ← p[p[z]]                            ▹ Case 1
 9                   else if z = right[p[z]]
10                           then z ← p[z]                       ▹ Case 2
11                                LEFT-ROTATE(T, z)              ▹ Case 2
12                           color[p[z]] ← BLACK                 ▹ Case 3
13                           color[p[p[z]]] ← RED                ▹ Case 3
14                           RIGHT-ROTATE(T, p[p[z]])            ▹ Case 3
15           else (same as then clause
                         with "right" and "left" exchanged)
16 color[root[T]] ← BLACK

Mise en ŒUVRE

    enum Color {Black,Red};
template<class Key>
struct Node
Key* key_;
Color color_;
Node* parent_;
Node* left_;
Node* right_;
Node(Key k,Node* parent = nullptr, Node* left = nullptr,Node* right = nullptr):key_(new Key[2]),
key_[0] = k;
key_[1] = '\0';
template<class Key>
class Tree
Node<Key>* head_;
typedef Key* key_pointer;
typedef Node<Key>* pointer;
typedef Node<Key> value_type;
Tree(Key k):head_(new value_type(k))
head_->color_ = Black;
delete head_;
pointer root()const
auto root = head_;
while (root->parent_)
root = root->parent_;
return root;
void root(pointer root)
head_ = root;
pointer parent()const
return head_->parent_;
void parent(pointer parent)
head_->parent_ = parent;
pointer left()const
return head_->left_;
void left(pointer left)
head_->left_ = left;
pointer right()const
return head_->right_;
void right(pointer right)
head_->right_ = right;
key_pointer key()const
return head_->key_;
template<class Tree,class Node>
void left_rotate(Tree* t, Node* x)
auto y = x->right_;
x->right_ = y->left_;
if (y->left_)
y->left_->parent_ = x;
y->parent_ = x->parent_;
if (!x->parent_)
else if(x == x->parent_->left_)
x->parent_->left_ = y;
x->parent_->right_ = y;
y->left_ = x;
x->parent_ = y;
template<class Tree,class Node>
void right_rotate(Tree* t, Node* x)
auto y = x->left_;
x->left_ = y->right_;
if (y->right_)
y->right_->parent_ = x;
y->parent_ = x->parent_;
if (!x->parent_)
else if(x == x->parent_->right_)
x->parent_->right_ = y;
x->parent_->left_ = y;
y->right_ = x;
x->parent_ = y;
template<class Tree, class Node_Value>
void insert(Tree* t, Node_Value n)
auto z = make_node(n);
auto x = t->root();
decltype(z) y = nullptr;
y = x;
if (*z->key_ < *x->key_)
x = x->left_;
x = x->right_;
z->parent_ = y;
if (!y)
if (*z->key_ < *y->key_)
y->left_ = z;
y->right_ = z;
z->left_ = nullptr;
z->right_ = nullptr;
z->color_ = Red;
template<class Tree, class Node>
void insert_fix_up(Tree* t, Node* z)
while (z->parent_->color_ == Red)
if (z->parent_ == z->parent_->parent_->left_)
auto y = z->parent_->parent_->right_;
if (y->color_ == Red)
z->parent_->color_ = Black;
y->color_ = Black;
z->parent_->parent_->color_ = Red;
z = z->parent_->parent_;
else if(z == z->parent_->right_)
z = z->parent_;
z->parent_->color_ = Black;
z->parent_->parent_->color_ = Red;
auto y = z->parent_->parent_->left_;
if (y->color_ == Red)
z->parent_->color_ = Black;
y->color_ = Black;
z->parent_->parent_->color_ = Red;
z = z->parent_->parent_;
else if(z == z->parent_->left_)
z = z->parent_;
z->parent_->color_ = Black;
z->parent_->parent_->color_ = Red;
t->root()->color_ = Black;
template<class Node>
Node* tree_minimum(Node* x)
while (x->left_)
x = x->left_;
return x;
template<class Node>
Node* tree_successor(Node* x)
if (x->right_)
return tree_minimum(x->right_);
auto y = x->parent_;
while (y && x == y->right_)
x = y;
y = y->parent_;
return y;
template<class Tree, class Node>
Node* rb_delete(Tree* t,Node* z)
Node* x = nullptr;
Node* y = nullptr;
if (!z->left_ || !z->right_)
y = z;
y = tree_successor(z);
if (y->left_)
x = y->left_;
x = y->right_;
x->parent_ = y->parent_;
if (!y->parent_)
else if (y == y->parent_->left_)
y->parent_->left_ = x;
y->parent_->right_ = x;
if (y != z)
z->key_ = y->key_; 
if (y->color_ = Black)
return y;
template<class Tree, class Node>
void rb_delete_fix_up(Tree*& t,Node*& x)
while (x != t->root() && x->color_ == Black)
Node* w = nullptr;
if (x == x->parent_->left_)
w = x->parent_->right_;
if (w->color_ == Red)
w->color_ = Black;
x->parent_->color_ = Red;
w = x->parent_->right_;
if (w->left_->color_ == Black && w->right_->color_ == Black)
w->color_ = Red;
x = x->parent_;
else if(w->right_->color_ == Black)
w->left_->color_ = Black;
w->color_ = Red;
w = x->parent_->right_;
w->color_ = x->parent_->color_;
x->parent_->color_ = Black;
w->right_->color_ = Black;
x = t->root();
w = x->parent_->left_;
if (w->color_ == Red)
w->color_ = Black;
x->parent_->color_ = Red;
w = x->parent_->left_;
if (w->right_->color_ == Black && w->left_->color_ == Black)
w->color_ = Red;
x = x->parent_;
else if(w->left_->color_ == Black)
w->right_->color_ = Black;
w->color_ = Red;
w = x->parent_->left_;
w->color_ = x->parent_->color_;
x->parent_->color_ = Black;
w->left_->color_ = Black;
x = t->root();
x->color_ = Black;
template<class Key>
Node<Key>* make_node(Key k)
return new Node<Key>(k);
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
auto t = new Tree<int>(1);
return 0;
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n'y est pas.
Pouvons-nous voir votre mise en œuvre effective?
Il y a peut être quelque chose de mal avec la mise en œuvre. RBTrees sont assez solides et éprouvées. Surtout avec un cas bien connu comme l'insertion d'une liste triée des éléments.
et Nico, pas de problème, donnez-moi 5 minutes et je vais vous présenter tous ces algorithmes mis en œuvre. Pour autant que je suis concerded ni d'insertion ni de suppression de fonctionner correctement (pour l'arbre construit dans cet ordre:1,2,3,4,5,6).

OriginalL'auteur smallB | 2011-07-17