Syntaxe incorrecte pour l'Union de Tous requête

Je suis en train d'essayer de combiner des requêtes avec l'union de tous:

use SalesDWH
select cast(COUNT([specimen id]) as varchar) +'|'+[practice name]+'|'+b.[mlis practice id]+'|'+[practice code]+'|'+[Requesting Physician]+'|'+c.salesrep+'|'+
cast(c.dateestablished as varchar)+'|'+ c.practicecity+'|'+c.practicestate
from quicklabdump a
inner join qlmlismapping b
on (b.[quiklab practice code] = a.[practice code])
inner join PracticeandPhysician c
on (a.[Requesting Physician]=c.doctorfirstname+' '+c.DOCTORLASTNAME
and a.[practice code]=c.practicecode)
where   DATEPART(yy, [DATE entered]) = 2011
and DATEPART(mm, [DATE entered]) = 12
group by a.[practice name],b.[mlis practice id],a.[practice code],
a.[Requesting Physician],c.salesrep,c.dateestablished, c.practicecity,c.practicestate
order by COUNT([specimen id]) desc
union all
select cast(COUNT([specimen id]) as varchar) +'|'+[practice name]+'|'+b.[mlis practice id]+'|'+[practice code]+'|'+[Requesting Physician]+'|'+c.salesrep+'|'+
cast(c.dateestablished as varchar)+'|'+ c.practicecity+'|'+c.practicestate
from quicklabdump a
inner join qlmlismapping b
on (b.[quiklab practice code] = a.[practice code])
inner join PracticeandPhysician c
on (a.[Requesting Physician]=c.doctorfirstname+' '+c.DOCTORLASTNAME
and a.[practice code]=c.practicecode)
where   DATEPART(yy, [DATE entered]) = 2011
and DATEPART(mm, [DATE entered]) = 11
group by a.[practice name],b.[mlis practice id],a.[practice code],
a.[Requesting Physician],c.salesrep,c.dateestablished, c.practicecity,c.practicestate
order by COUNT([specimen id]) desc

Mais j'obtiens cette erreur:

Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 2
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'union'.

Ce que je fais mal?

OriginalL'auteur l--''''''---------'''''''''''' | 2011-12-29