Télécharger des flux vidéo en ASP.NET

Je dois faire une interface de télécharger de gros des vidéos jusqu'à 30 mo puis de le transmettre et de le convertir en format FLV, et puis jouer dans un navigateur... c'est requise sur mon site dans la rubrique "Galerie Vidéo" module.
Mon application web en C# et ASP.NET. Je peux aussi utiliser jQuery.

Je dois envoyer le fichier vidéo en morceaux puis de les fusionner au niveau du serveur, diffuser, créer la miniature de la vidéo et puis le lire.

Merci de me donner la solution si quelqu'un a de.

Je l'ai trouvé un peu de code, mais c'est tout en PHP. Je n'ai pas trouvé de C#, ASP.NET code.

Enfin j'ai reçu le code pour télécharger le fichier vidéo en morceaux... mais s'il vous plaît m'aider à faire d'autres processus, comme la création de ses vignettes et affichage de la vidéo dans un navigateur.

Voici le code pour télécharger la vidéo en plusieurs segments.

Cliquez sur le bouton de téléchargement de

 protected void btnUploadVideo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
UploadVideoFile obj = new UploadVideoFile();
string FileName = fuUploadVideo.FileName;
string DestPath = Server.MapPath("Videos");
string strFinalFileName = Path.GetFileName(fuUploadVideo.FileName);
long  FileLength = fuUploadVideo.PostedFile.ContentLength;
long uploadchunklimit;
int SizeLimit = (int)FileLength;
if (FileLength <= 1024)
uploadchunklimit = 1;
SizeLimit = (int)FileLength;
else if (FileLength > 10240)
uploadchunklimit = FileLength / 10240;
SizeLimit = 10;
else if (FileLength <= 10240 && FileLength > 1024)
uploadchunklimit = FileLength / 1024;
uploadchunklimit = FileLength / 1024;
long lngSize = (long)SizeLimit;
lngSize *= 1024 * 1024;
string ext = Path.GetExtension(fuUploadVideo.PostedFile.FileName);
string strDestFileName = Server.MapPath("videofile") + "\\" + Guid.NewGuid() + ext;
string strSrcFile = Server.MapPath("videofile/" + Path.GetFileName(strDestFileName));
string strDestFile = Server.MapPath("mergefile") + "//" + Path.GetFileName(strDestFileName);
string strFinalDest = Server.MapPath("FinalFile") ;
obj.Process(fuUploadVideo.PostedFile.FileName, strDestFileName, lngSize, fuUploadVideo.PostedFile);
obj.MergerProcess(strSrcFile, strDestFile, strFinalDest);


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Web;
//using ContestBLL;
///This Class contains methods for upload chunks
public class UploadVideoFile
///declaration of private members
private FileStream fSIn, fSout;
///declaration of private members
private int preDefinedCacheSize;
///Initializes a new instance of the Chunk class.
public UploadChunk()
////TODO: Add constructor logic here
/// This method used to merge file
///<param name="strSrcPath">Source path of file</param>
///<param name="strDestPath">destination  path of file</param>
///<param name="strFilnalDest">Final destination path of file</param>
public string MergerProcess(string strSrcPath, string strDestPath, string strFilnalDest)
string[] strFiles = Directory.GetFiles(strSrcPath, "*.part");
this.fSout = new FileStream(strDestPath, FileMode.Create);
BinaryWriter wFSOut = new BinaryWriter(this.fSout);
long fileSizes = 0;
fileSizes = this.GetSizes(strFiles);
foreach (string a in strFiles)
this.preDefinedCacheSize = this.DefineCache();
this.fSIn = new FileStream(strSrcPath + "\\" + this.FileName(a), FileMode.Open);
BinaryReader rFSIn = new BinaryReader(this.fSIn);
if (this.preDefinedCacheSize > this.fSIn.Length - this.fSIn.Position)
this.preDefinedCacheSize = (int)this.fSIn.Length - (int)this.fSIn.Position;
byte[] buffer = new byte[this.preDefinedCacheSize];
while (this.fSIn.Position != this.fSIn.Length)
rFSIn.Read(buffer, 0, this.preDefinedCacheSize);
string strFolderToDelete = strSrcPath;
if (Directory.Exists(strFolderToDelete))
Directory.Delete(strFolderToDelete, true);
if (File.Exists(strDestPath))
File.Copy(strDestPath, strFilnalDest + "//" + Path.GetFileName(strDestPath), false);
return Path.GetFileName(strDestPath);
catch (Exception ex)
object[] customval = new object[0];
//AppError.ErrorMsg(ex.StackTrace, "UploadChunk.cs", "MergerProcess", customval);
///this method is used to ...
///<param name="strSrcPath"> path of the source file</param>
///<param name="strDestPath">destination  path of file</param>
///<param name="lngFileSize"> Size of file to be split</param>
///<param name="fsi">object of HttpPostedFile class</param>
public void Process(string strSrcPath, string strDestPath, long lngFileSize, System.Web.HttpPostedFile fsi)
string strDirectory = string.Empty, strNewFileNames = string.Empty;
long fileSize = 0;
int intCounter = 0;
////Code to Check whether it is logical or not to Continue...
////FSIn = new FileStream(strSrcPath, FileMode.Open);
////BinaryReader rFSIn = new BinaryReader(FSIn);
BinaryReader rFSIn = new BinaryReader(fsi.InputStream);
////FileSize = FSIn.Length;
fileSize = fsi.ContentLength;
strDirectory = strDestPath;
////split it to parts in a folder Called "FileName"
////begin writing
////while (FSIn.Position != FSIn.Length)
while (rFSIn.BaseStream.Position != fsi.ContentLength)
this.preDefinedCacheSize = this.DefineCache();
byte[] buffer = new byte[this.preDefinedCacheSize];
strNewFileNames = strDirectory + "\\" + intCounter.ToString() + ".part";
this.fSout = new FileStream(strNewFileNames, FileMode.Create);
BinaryWriter wFSOut = new BinaryWriter(this.fSout);
////while ((FSout.Position < lngFileSize) && (FSIn.Position != FSIn.Length))
while ((this.fSout.Position < lngFileSize) && (rFSIn.BaseStream.Position != fsi.ContentLength))
////if (((FSIn.Length - FSIn.Position) < Math.Min(PreDefinedCacheSize, (int)lngFileSize)) && (PreDefinedCacheSize > lngFileSize))
if (((fsi.ContentLength - rFSIn.BaseStream.Position) < Math.Min(this.preDefinedCacheSize, (int)lngFileSize)) && (this.preDefinedCacheSize > lngFileSize))
this.preDefinedCacheSize = (int)fsi.ContentLength - (int)rFSIn.BaseStream.Position;
rFSIn.Read(buffer, 0, this.preDefinedCacheSize);
if (this.preDefinedCacheSize > lngFileSize)
this.preDefinedCacheSize = (int)lngFileSize;
rFSIn.Read(buffer, 0, this.preDefinedCacheSize);
catch (Exception ex)
object[] customval = new object[0];
//AppError.ErrorMsg(ex.StackTrace, "UploadChunk.cs", "Process", customval);
///this i sused to define cache
///<returns>return integer value</returns>
private int DefineCache()
return 8192 * 2;
///this method  gives the Filename from the long Path
///<param name="strString">path of file</param>
///<returns>return string value</returns>
private string FileName(string strString) 
return strString.Substring(strString.LastIndexOf("\\"));
///This method is used to get size 
///<param name="strFileZ">array of files</param>
///<returns>return long type value</returns>
private long GetSizes(string[] strFileZ)
long intSizeToReturn = 0;
foreach (string a in strFileZ)
FileStream tmpFS = new FileStream(a, FileMode.Open);
intSizeToReturn += tmpFS.Length;
return intSizeToReturn;
personne n'est là qui peut m'aider dans ce problème???

OriginalL'auteur Radhi | 2010-02-09