Thread Control.Invoke

J'ai une fonction

public void ShowAllFly()
        cbFly.Items.Add("Uçuş Seçiniz...");

        dsFlyTableAdapters.tblFlyTableAdapter _t=new KTHY.dsFlyTableAdapters.tblFlyTableAdapter();
        dsFly _mds = new dsFly();
        _mds.EnforceConstraints = false;
        dsFly.tblFlyDataTable _m = _mds.tblFly;
        foreach (DataRow _row in _m.Rows)
            cbFly.Items.Add(_row["FlyID"].ToString()+"-"+_row["FlyName"].ToString() + "-" + _row["FlyDirection"].ToString() + "-" + _row["FlyDateTime"].ToString());
        timer1.Enabled = false;
        WaitPanel.Visible = false;

Dans Form_Load Fonction Comme ceci;

    _Thread = new System.Threading.Thread(new System.Threading.ThreadStart(ShowAllFly));
    _Thread.Priority = System.Threading.ThreadPriority.Normal;

Mais Lorsque je l'exécute;

dans ShowAllFly fonction

cbFly.Items.Clear(); ----  HERE Gives ERROR  LIKE  Control.Invoke must be used to interact with controls created on a separate thread.

Quel est le problème?

source d'informationauteur atromgame