Undefined index: id en php

Je vais avoir un problème dans le code PHP. J'ai eu un peu de code à partir d'un e-book, mais quand j'ai essayé de faire fonctionner le système, c'est de donner quelques erreurs. J'ai corrigé certaines erreurs, en donnant un entre guillemets, mais maintenant je suis coincé avec quelques autres erreurs.

Je serais plus qu'heureux si quelqu'un m'aide avec l'erreur suivante:

Notice: Undefined index: id in C:\xampp\htdocs\auction\index.php sur la ligne 4

C'est mon code pour les index.php:

$validid = pf_validate_number($_GET['id'], "value", $config_basedir);
if($validid == 0) {
$sql = "SELECT items.* FROM items WHERE dateends > NOW()";
else {
$sql = "SELECT * FROM items WHERE dateends > NOW()
AND cat_id = " . $validid . ";";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
$numrows = mysql_num_rows($result);
echo "<h1>Items available</h1>";
echo "<table cellpadding='5'>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<th>Image</th>";
echo "<th>Item</th>";
echo "<th>Bids</th>";
echo "<th>Price</th>";
echo "</tr>";
if($numrows == 0) {
echo "<tr><td colspan=4>No items!</td></tr>";
else {
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$imagesql = "SELECT * FROM images WHERE
item_id = " . $row['id'] . " LIMIT 1";
$imageresult = mysql_query($imagesql);
$imagenumrows = mysql_num_rows($imageresult);
echo "<tr>";
if($imagenumrows == 0) {
echo "<td>No image</td>";
else {
$imagerow = mysql_fetch_assoc($imageresult);
echo "<td><img src='./images/". $imagerow['name'] . "' width='100'></td>";
echo "<td>";
echo "<a href='itemdetails.php?id="
. $row['id'] . "'>" . $row['name'] . "</a>";
if($_SESSION['USERID'] == $row['user_id']) {
echo " - [<a href='edititem.php?id="
. $row['id'] . "'>edit</a>]";
echo "</td>";
$bidsql = "SELECT item_id, MAX(amount) AS
highestbid, COUNT(id) AS numberofbids FROM bids
WHERE item_id=" . $row['id'] . " GROUP BY item_id;";
$bidresult = mysql_query($bidsql);
$bidrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($bidresult);
$bidnumrows = mysql_num_rows($bidresult);
echo "<td>";
if($bidnumrows == 0) {
echo "0";
else {
echo $bidrow['numberofbids'] . "</td>";
echo "<td>" . $config_currency;
if($bidnumrows == 0) {
echo sprintf('%.2f', $row['startingprice']);
else {
echo sprintf('%.2f', $bidrow['highestbid']);
echo "</td>";
echo "<td>" . date("D jS F Y g.iA",
strtotime($row['dateends'])) . "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";

Certains d'entre vous ont demandé, où l'id est en venir. Je n'ai aucune idée, mais j'ai cherché dans d'autres fichiers, et ici, ils sont:


$catsql = "SELECT * FROM categories ORDER BY category ASC;";
$catresult = mysql_query($catsql);
echo "<h1>Categories</h1>";
echo "<ul>";
echo "<li><a href='index.php'>View All</a></li>";
while($catrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($catresult)) {
echo "<li><a href='index.php?id=". $catrow['id'] . "'>" . $catrow['category']. "</a>                    </li>";
echo "</ul>";


$db = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpassword);
mysql_select_db($dbdatabase, $db);
Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
<title><?php echo $config_forumsname; ?></title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="stylesheet.css" type="text/css" />
<div id="header">
<h1>BidTastic Auctions</h1>
<div id="menu">
<a href="index.php">Home</a>
if(isset($_SESSION['USERNAME']) == TRUE) {
echo "<a href='logout.php'>Logout</a>";
else {
echo "<a href='login.php'>Login</a>";
<a href="newitem.php">New Item</a>
<div id="container">
<div id="bar">
<?php require("bar.php"); ?>
<div id="main">


$db = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpassword);
mysql_select_db($dbdatabase, $db);
$validid = pf_validate_number($_GET[‘id’], redirect”, $config_basedir);
if($_POST[‘submit’]) {
if(is_numeric($_POST[‘bid’]) == FALSE) {
header(“Location:  . $config_basedir
. itemdetails.php?id=” . $validid . “&error=letter”);
$theitemsql = SELECT * FROM items WHERE id =  . $validid . “;”;
$theitemresult = mysql_query($theitemsql);
$theitemrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($theitemresult);
$checkbidsql = SELECT item_id, max(amount) AS
highestbid, count(id) AS number_of_bids FROM
bids WHERE item_id=” . $validid .  GROUP BY item_id;”;
$checkbidresult = mysql_query($checkbidsql);
$checkbidnumrows = mysql_num_rows($checkbidresult);
if($checkbidnumrows == 0) {
if($theitemrow[‘startingprice’] > $_POST[‘bid’]) {
header(“Location:  . $config_basedir
. itemdetails.php?id=” . $validid . “&error=lowprice#bidbox”);
else {
$checkbidrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($checkbidresult);
if($checkbidrow[‘highestbid’] > $_POST[‘bid’]) {
header(“Location:  . $config_basedir . itemdetails.php?id=” .
$validid . “&error=lowprice#bidbox”);
$inssql = INSERT INTO bids(item_id, amount, user_id) VALUES(“
. $validid
. “,  . $_POST[‘bid’]
. “,  . $_SESSION[‘USERID’]
. “);”;
header(“Location:  . $config_basedir
. itemdetails.php?id=” . $validid);
else {
$validid = pf_validate_number($_GET[‘id’], redirect”,
$itemsql = SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(dateends) AS dateepoch,
items.* FROM items WHERE id =  . $validid . “;”;
$itemresult = mysql_query($itemsql);
$itemrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($itemresult);
$nowepoch = mktime();
$rowepoch = $itemrow[‘dateepoch’];
if($rowepoch > $nowepoch) {
echo “<h2>” . $itemrow[‘name’] . “</h2>”;
$imagesql = SELECT * FROM images WHERE item_id =  . $validid . “;”;
$imageresult = mysql_query($imagesql);
$imagenumrows = mysql_num_rows($imageresult);
$bidsql = SELECT item_id, MAX(amount) AS highestbid,
COUNT(id) AS number_of_bids FROM bids WHERE item_id=”
. $validid .  GROUP BY item_id;”;
$bidresult = mysql_query($bidsql);
$bidnumrows = mysql_num_rows($bidresult);
echo “<p>”;
if($bidnumrows == 0) {
echo “<strong>This item has had no bids</strong>
- <strong>Starting Price</strong>:  . $config_currency
. sprintf(‘%.2f’, $itemrow[‘startingprice’]);
else {
$bidrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($bidresult);
echo “<strong>Number Of Bids</strong>: 
. $bidrow[‘number_of_bids’] . 
- <strong>Current Price</strong>:  . $config_currency
. sprintf(‘%.2f’, $bidrow[‘highestbid’]);
echo  - <strong>Auction ends</strong>: 
. date(“D jS F Y g.iA”, $rowepoch);
echo “</p>”;
if($imagenumrows == 0) {
echo No images.”;
else {
while($imagerow = mysql_fetch_assoc($imageresult)) {
echo “<img src=’./images/” . $imagerow[‘name’] .”’ width=’200’>”;
echo “<p>” . nl2br($itemrow[‘description’]) . “</p>”;
echo “<a name=’bidbox’>”;
echo “<h2>Bid for this item</h2>”;
if(isset($_SESSION[‘USERNAME’]) == FALSE) {
echo To bid, you need to log in. Login
<a href=’login.php?id=” . $validid . “&ref=addbid’>here</a>.”;
else {
if($VALIDAUCTION == 1) {
echo Enter the bid amount into the box below.”;
echo “<p>”;
switch($_GET[‘error’]) {
case lowprice”:
echo The bid entered is too low.
Please enter another price.”;
case letter”:
echo The value entered is not a number.”;
<form action=”<?php echo pf_script_with_get($SCRIPT_NAME);
?>” method=”post”>
<td><input type=”text” name=”bid”></td>
<td><input type=”submit” name=”submit” value=”Bid!”></td>
else {
echo This auction has now ended.”;
$historysql = SELECT bids.amount, users.username FROM bids,
users WHERE bids.user_id = users.id AND item_id = 
. $validid .  ORDER BY amount DESC”;
$historyresult = mysql_query($historysql);
$historynumrows = mysql_num_rows($historyresult);
if($historynumrows >= 1) {
echo “<h2>Bid History</h2>”;
echo “<ul>”;
while($historyrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($historyresult)) {
echo “<li>” . $historyrow[‘username’] .  -  .
$config_currency . sprintf(‘%.2f’, $historyrow[‘amount’]) . “</li>”;
echo “</ul>”;


function pf_script_with_get($script) {
$page = $script;
$page = $page . "?";
foreach($_GET as $key => $val) {
$page = $page . $key . "=" . $val . "&";
return substr($page, 0, strlen($page)-1);
function pf_validate_number($value, $function, $redirect) {
if(isset($value) == TRUE) {
if(is_numeric($value) == FALSE) {
$error = 1;
if($error == 1) {
header("Location: " . $redirect);
else {
$final = $value;
else {
if($function == 'redirect') {
header("Location: " . $redirect);
if($function == "value") {
$final = 0;
return $final;
  • ajouter isset($_GET['id']) avant de l'utiliser.
  • Il devrait y avoir id dans votre chaîne de requête url. par exemple: index.php?id=1.
  • isset chèque peut vous aider
  • double possible de PHP: "notice: Undefined variable" et "notice: Undefined index"
  • Si vous ne savez même pas ce que pourrait être la zone à problème (évident à partir de la grande quantité de code/les articles que vous avez posté) c'est peut-être temps d'investir en vous-même et d'essayer de comprendre ce que vous êtes en train de faire avec votre code.
  • Bienvenue à Débordement de Pile! S'il vous plaît, n'utilisez pas mysql_* fonctions pour écrire du nouveau code. Il n'est plus maintenu et que la communauté a commencé la dépréciation du processus. Voir le boîte rouge? Au lieu de cela, vous devriez en apprendre davantage sur les instructions préparées soit PDO ou MySQLi. Si vous choisissez de PDO voici un bon tutoriel.

InformationsquelleAutor Shahnawaz | 2013-04-19