API pour Google Docs Viewer

Veuillez consulter ci-dessous fil de La Liste de Documents Google API de Groupe et quelqu'un merci de me suggérer une solution.

    Hi again Jags,

    Sorry, I missed one thing, you might be able to use the embed link, i.e. that link with rel http://schemas.google.com/docs/2007#embed. That will give you a link to embed the resource.


    On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 10:59 AM, Ali Afshar wrote:
    Hi Jags,

    Sorry, there is no real API there as such to do what you want to achieve. You should probably export it as a format that you can embed in your page.


    On Sat, Mar 17, 2012 at 3:18 AM, Jags wrote:

    Can someone help me in figuring out if there is an API available to use Google Docs Viewer where I want to upload a document and it should give me a Google Docs View Url for the document so that I can embed it in our website. Currently in Docs Viewer, the only option I find is viewing a publicly available document by passing the url for it as a param as in http://docs.google.com/viewer?url=xxxxxxxxxx. Is this the only way that I can view in Google Docs. Please someone assist if I missing something.
  If this isn't possible by Docs Viewer is it supported in Google Docs where I'll upload it to user's google account and thereafter even the author of the document should have just a VIEW only option for the document.


Maintenant, quelqu'un peut-il svp me fournir un exemple de code Java pour définir le "xmlns" comme "http://schemas.google.com/docs/2007#embed" à l'entrée du document. Je suis un InvalidEntryException.
com.google.gdata.util.InvalidEntryException: Invalid request URI
GDatainvalidRequestUriInvalide l'URI de la requête

Merci donc de me suggérer une solution possible pour résoudre ce problème.

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InformationsquelleAutor Jagadeesh | 2012-04-12